Phopto Taken at the Medowlands 2011
Dreams are wasted if you dont get them down on film.
We owe it to each other to relese our gift of imagination. In film, art, acting and music we all can learn to express and see the power  we have in being human. Humans posess the greatest capacity to imagin.
Valse Nostalgique
A Lukas Schepp independent film.  A short ducumentry film of the life inside a gangsters warped world.
Still photography, music videos, short film, classic rock, film-maker
Richard Thompson and Loudon Wainwright
16mm, film-maker, director of film, videographer, freelance videographer, making music videos, story teller, video production
Cindi Zanki with 16 mm
Still Photography, music video, film-maker-cayamo, video production
Richard Thompson and Buddy Miller
interviews,still photography,tin angle,film maker
Francis Dunnery
Francis Dunnery
cayamo,still photography,interviews,freelance photography,documentary film,local film,rock and roll videos
Richard Thompson at Cayamo 2011
independent film,music video,interview, local films, film-maker,director of film
Scene from Vals
While working on the film we all had a lot of fun and all though it was a short film many hoiurs went into the preparation.
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The art of free expression and courage to show the world your storie in short film.

Cindi Zanki is an artist whos love is  filming and photographing people, places and music. Her love of Rock and Roll photography has lead to making music videos and independent films in the past 5 years.  Advancing in her education she has attended the New York film academy for 16mm film and the Art Institute of Ft Lauderdale for digital film, Videography and being an Editor.  In her pursuit of learning the craft of documentry film she has taken several opertunities to do interviews and photographs of classic rock bands and current events.  Expressing the many stories and visions of life and the people she encounters an independent film maker who has a love of preserving time in film.  We hope you enjoy the vision put forth on these pages.
Richard Thompson in my opinion is one of the most committed guitar players I have ever heard.  Richards arrangements and lyrics work like life and breath. His work takes you to a dark and cynical plane that we all can relate to at times. Often layed down with a uplifting or melodic tone. Richards music is like a haunting and beautiful journey through lifes little nasty twists and turns. One of the best guitar players of all time. Richards music has inspired me on many occasions to make music videos. Misunderstood - a place we have all been and yet want to forget.  That place we care not to speak about.  He lays it out so clear by delivering lyrics that lead you with every note. I have had the pleasure of seeing Richard play live dozens of times and each time he delivers this song its like the first time he has ever played it. A feet not easly done for a musician whos career spans over 40+ years. Richard takes us to the ocean of unexplored emotion and leaves us asking for more. Bravo!  
Connect to Richard Thompsons offical web site by clicking HERE.