A collection of work I have done over the years
What will make us explore?
Good, evil, love, compassion, sadness, laughter, life. Thats what makes a independent film great. To make us think differently. Imagination is our soul, our foundation. Its boundless and epic. You get triggered and inspiration will be your transport. Its ours to own and we have the capasity to imagin.m Lets put it on film.
Valse Love I re-cut from Lukas Schepps film to make a music video. I felt that Anita Papp and Weylin Wegner  fit the part to accompany Bruce Springsteens sad eyes perfectly.
Dimond Flamenco is another Lukas Schepp film I worked on.  It was a great project and quite a learning experience  in film making in NYC.  The details envolved in getting a place to film, finding the actors and guns really opened our eyes to the time needed in making it all work.
STill Photography,interview, rock and roll photography
Feeling the moment
making short films, 16mm film, documentary film
making music video
videographer, video production, still photography
Video production

Special thanks to all the people who made the work here possible.

Tom and Nancy Wanzel - Barbara Wegner- James Wanzel- John Zanki- Anthony and Vencenza Princiotta-NYFA-AIFL.
All the Musicians and Film makers who have inspired freedome of expression and life it self. 

 My love for music brings me to the great fun of editing for music video's.  The ski film was a school project I enjoyed editing to the beat of  Big Country's hit song In a big country. I felt the song had all the elements that went with the actions of the athletes amazing stunts.  The lyrics are the icing on the cake when it came to putting the shots together for great story telling and making a short film.
director of film, video production, making short films
Our video production class, film makers, still photography
The New York film academy was a great experience to explore the beauty and richness of film.  A now dyeing medium because of the expense of the process of film. I feel very lucky to have worked with the medium of past great film makers and photographers. I have moved on to digital film like many others and now study at the Art Institute Ft Lauderdale. However I will always regard film as the best and richest way to put down your image and like still photography it full and rounded. I love the feeling you get from watching a documentry or music video on the big screen. 
One important  thing I have learned in this life is something my father said. " and this to shall pass" No matter what you face in life there is something to learn from it. Just like a independent film is an open journal of thoughts, it will reflect something familiar in all of us. With that we can look at it, learn and let it go. Or have it effect us good or bad for all our days. As freelance videographers and film makers its up to us and what we allow the viewer to see.  Beauty is in the mix. Explore who we are as a race. The human race. We are one. And yes everything will pass so grab your dream now the clock waits for none .
Twist was one of my first 16mm films.  Shot on a 1940's Arri flex-S film camera in my apartment back in 2009.  The element of living in NYC at the time is what inspired me to add the funky sound of Curtis Mayfeild to tell the story.  We where just learning the craft of film so some parts are rough but I like what that add's to my storytelling. 
Time is a 16mm music video I did it in color and black and white 16mm film in NYC. I had an idea about  dreaming of past lives. Being the cat knows all dimensions of life.  I use Beedie to work on Inna and Taylor in the film.  Getting them to touch their past lives through the dream world. The twist is that when they awoke to think it was an individual dream but Inna and Taylor find out that they where dreaming the same dream together. They realize that they have lived many lives together in the past and awaken to a new way of thinking and knowing evrything is just the way its suppose to be. Just like the classic rockand roll used in the film.